
The family of Catholic schools across the Diocese of Hallam offers a Catholic Gospel based education for children whose parents seek a genuine alternative to other good schools. Our schools are communities of faith where God is recognised and named. They are rooted in the Church’s concept of mission and in living out a Christian lifestyle, they present a picture of Christ to catch the imagination.

Each Catholic school in the Diocese, in partnership with home and parish, has been established to be an integral part of the local Catholic community, which shares the mission of the Church to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. Members of the Parishes of the Diocese of Hallam have contributed towards the cost of the build of the school and continue to care for its buildings and its people. The provision of this network of schools is primarily intended to provide a place at a Catholic school for all baptised members or catechumens of the Church. However, should surplus places be available, governors are encouraged to give priority to parents of other Christian Churches who are seeking a Christian education for their children.

St Bernard’s is a Catholic Voluntary Academy for students between the ages of 11 to 16 years. As a Catholic Voluntary Academy the Governing Body is responsible for admissions. It is guided in that responsibility by the requirements of law, the requirements of the Trust Deed and the school’s Articles of Association and Funding Agreement; by advice from the Diocesan Trustees and its duty to the Catholic community and the common good. We warmly encourage our prospective parents, carers and students to visit the school prior to application in order to meet our staff, students and school community. In order to arrange a visit, please contact reception on 01709 828183.

Numbers are correct at 13/09/24

Year 7 – Pupil Admission Number is 155 (currently oversubscribed)

Year 8 – Number of students is 155 (currently oversubscribed)

Year 9 – Number of students is 155 (currently oversubscribed)

Year 10 – Number of students is 155 (currently oversubscibed)

Year 11 – Number of students is 155 (currently oversubscribed)