Headteacher’s Welcome

Welcome to St Bernard’s Catholic High School and thank you for taking time to look at our school website which gives you a snapshot of our wonderful school.

I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of this school and part of the outstanding Catholic community that we have here at St Bernard’s.

As a Catholic school, our aim is to ensure that our faith is at the heart of everything that we do. We strive to live by, and teach, the Gospel values which permeate all aspects of our school. We care for our pupils, and our strong pastoral focus allows us to support them to be successful. We were proud that this was recognised in our most recent Catholic School Inspection report which stated that there is ‘a strong sense of community that is distinctly Catholic in the way that all pupils are cared for at St Bernard’s.’

We aim to deliver an engaging curriculum which motivates our pupils to achieve the best outcomes possible. Our teaching staff inspire our pupils by sharing their expertise so that they become inquisitive learners who want to know more and learn more.

As well as ensuring that our pupils get excellent exam results to take them to the next step in their education, we also aim to develop the ‘whole child’ so that when they leave us at the end of Year 11, our students have developed into wonderful young people who will have a positive influence on society.

I would welcome you to come and visit our school to gain a true sense of the Catholic community that we have here at St Bernard’s.

Mr A Riding, Headteacher