It is often difficult for the Church’s teaching to be heard, received and understood, particularly by our young people today. Now, more than ever, they are living in social cultures which inclines them to give-in to media and peer pressures, and to feel intimidated by ‘individuality’ or values which may not be perceived as the ‘norm’.
Our young people need support in recognising their worth, their gifts and their values so they can make their way through life’s varied chapters. Through St Bernard’s Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) programme, we want our young people to believe, and feel, that God’s love is boundless. It has no limits and is constantly with them. Each one of us is made imago dei with every human person being worthy of love. All teaching, delivery, discussions and debate will lead back to the important Christian belief that life is God-given, is a unique gift, and must be received with dignity, value and worth. Our teaching will also enable us to deliver beliefs and understandings that reflects the message in the words of Jesus Christ, and reflected in our school mission statement:
‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full’ John, 10:10
As a Christian community we want our students to discover the deeper meaning to life and how to achieve happiness in the life they desire. We will do this through teaching topics such as healthy relationships, physical and mental health, rights and responsibilities, equality and diversity, living in a modern world, and social responsibilities.
It is our aim that the RSHE programme at St Bernard’s will lay the foundations down for a values-based education which will last a life time.
Our Programme:
Our carefully selected learning programme will be delivered through Ten Ten Resources; a highly regarded Catholic education organisation. Ten Ten’s programme is called ‘Life to the Full’ and has been endorsed by the diocese of Hallam and the Catholic Education Service. Each session is rooted in Christian prayer, scripture and sacraments whilst also sharing other world views as per the statutory framework.
The programme communicates through videos, power points and discussions the gospel values of human relationships and sexuality. This carries an important responsibility and not one that can be performed in isolation. Our teaching will complement, and not replace, your primary role of parent as ‘educators’ of their children. Ten Ten therefore provides online access to all resources so you can see what your children will be learning about. Please use the following details to explore these:
• Website Address: https://www.tentenresources.co.uk/parent-portal
• Parent user name: st-bernard-s65
• Parent password: York-898
Please visit our Policies section to view our RSE Policy
If you have any queries, or comments, in relation to the RSHE programme at St Bernard’s Catholic High, please contact the RSHE lead, Ms L Lee (llee@sbch.org.uk)