
At St. Bernard’s we have high expectations of attendance, which is reflected in our attendance target of 97%. We are proud that our attendance is above local and national averages and that our Persistent Absenteeism (attendance of 90% and below) is below national and local averages.

Research has shown that there is a significant correlation between good attendance and achievement at GCSE and beyond school and therefore, we are fully committed to working in partnership with our families to ensure all of our students are supported with their attendance and to celebrate their achievements in this aspect of school life. We have an extensive rewards programme that runs throughout the year for those students who achieve our attendance target or better, or whose attendance has significantly improved.

To support improved attendance, the Local Authority has introduced a new ‘Attendance Matters Pathway for Schools’, which is the process agreed by the Local Authority and all Rotherham schools to address irregular or non-school attendance. Should you have any queries regarding attendance at St. Bernard’s or the Local Authority’s ‘Attendance Matters Pathway for Schools’, please contact our Attendance and Family Liaison Officer on 01709 828183 (option 1).