Meet Beatrix Bernard (or ‘Trixie’ as she is known to her family!)
Trixie is our nurture dog who started in school as a 12-week-old energetic little puppy and is now two years old. She happily comes into school every day bringing a smile to everyone’s face and is always very eager and happy to meet and greet our students and staff alike.
Within school, Beatrix works with a variety of our students who all love some “TRIXIE TIME.” She is very calming and can sense when a student needs her help. She will sit next to students whilst they are working or even completing assessments. The students say this has a lovely calming affect on them.
The students find it a lot easier to talk through Trixie whilst cuddling her, so she sits and listens to students read or if they just need to talk to her.
She is also on hand for students who find it difficult to come into school and may need a little “TRIXIE TIME” before lessons start.
All students and staff love to see her when she is out and about around school. She also attends meetings, assemblies and lessons (some staff have designed these around her) on occasion. She even had a small part in our school pantomime!