At St. Bernard’s we place teacher development at the heart of what we do. We know that high quality professional development not only enhances classroom practice but also increases motivation, confidence, commitment and retention. It is therefore vital that our programme is exciting, enjoyable and relevant.
Our Teacher Development Programme comprises of four key strands which equip our staff with the knowledge and skills to deliver high quality lessons that are tailored to the students at St. Bernard’s and impact positively on their outcomes. The programme ensures that we are working towards a common purpose and that we keep up to date with the latest developments in education that can be utilised to enhance everyday teaching. Our programme is, therefore, evidence based and practical, ensuring that we use the latest and most important research to date and apply these findings to a classroom setting.
We also know how important it is to develop our Student Support Assistants who are a fundamental part of the support and care our students receive in lessons. As such, our Teacher Development Programme also includes an offer for our support staff.
If you would like to find out more about the four strands of our Teacher Development Programme, please click on the link to our booklet which can be found below.