BTEC Sport

Curriculum Overview – Year 9

All students that have opted for BTEC Sport and GCSE PE in Year 9 follow our foundation course that covers Planning and Leading a full Coaching session as well as a Performance Analysis Project that investigates students current performance levels in their chosen sport. Students also cover a practical curriculum designed to further develop their sporting skills in a number of sports and prepare them for assessment as part of Component 2 and are expected to participate in the school extra-curricular sporting programme. After Easter, students that continue to opt for BTEC Sport will then begin to cover content from Component 1: Preparing Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity. Units include; Explore Types and Provision of Sport and Physical Activity for Different Types of Participants and Examine Equipment and Technology Required for Participants to use When Taking Part in Sport and Physical Activity.

Curriculum Overview – Year 10

In Year 10 Students will continue covering content from Component 1 in order to prepare for and enter the first assessment window at Christmas. Students will then begin covering Component 2: Taking Part in Improving Other Participants Sporting Performance, which utilises skills and experience gained from The Foundation Programme in Year 9. Students will cover units that include: Understand How Different Components of Fitness are Used in Different Physical Activities, Be Able to Participate in Sport and Understanding the Roles and Responsibilities of Officials and Demonstrate ways to Improve Participants Sporting Techniques. Throughout Year 10 Students will also continue to follow a practical programme that will begin to also cover Coaching and Officiating as well as Practical performances and remain expected to participate in the school extra-curricular sporting programme.

Curriculum Overview – Year 11

In the final year, Students will begin to look at Component 3: Developing Fitness and Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity. This is the exam based unit that students will prepare to sit in January, whilst also completing the Component 2 assessment window. Students will continue to participate in practical lessons which will now be related to the content of Component 3 in order to give students a more thorough understanding of the content required for the exam. Units covered in Component 3 include: Components of Fitness, Fitness Tests, Training Methods/Processes/Principles in relation to improving fitness in Sport and Exercise. Throughout Year 11 students remain expected to participate in the school extra-curricular sporting programme.

Teacher BTEC Sport

Mrs J Collins –
Mrs G Sneath –